PAX: Wiggy, Rover, Sandman, Hotsauce, Bump, Gummy Bear
- Windmills
- Bean Pickers
- Hillbilly
- Toy Solider
- Willie Mays Hayes
- Perfect Merkin
- Perfect Squats
- Merkins Timebomb to 60
- Squats Timebomb FTH to 60
- 5-1 WW1s and Inchworm Merkins. Bear Crawl In Between
- 5-1 Coupon Curls and Burpees. Bear Crawl In Between
- Pax 1 runs to 3rd landing and back
- Pax 2 AMRAP
- As a team: 50 Lt. Dans / 100 Jump Squats / 150 Shoulder Taps
- 1 PAX puts on the Ruck and OVH carries the conder block down the hill and back up. Switch PAX each new exercise. Rest of PAX do AMRAP
- Mountain Climbers
- American Hammers
- Calf Raises
- SSHs
- Broga ~4 Minutes
I may be missing something as this was a while back, but it looks about right. A kickoff to a busy week, it was great to see some guys come this week and 2 new Dusk Dump PAXs. Rover and Hotsauce, awesome job and I’m glad you could make it out! Sandman way to keep at it, we’ll miss ya this Monday when you’re OOT. Great job to Wiggy and Bump as well way to be encouraging people through those Doras. And the Cinder block and Ruck up the hill was a nice touch. We ended up stashing my personal block on the hill since I didn’t want to carry it all the way back. See my Wednesday Dump BB for the rest of that story haha!
Great work to all! Happy 10 years to F3 and 2 weeks to it’s newest Beatdown. Signs we are continuing to grow!!
-GB (See you next week)?