16 PAX moved around the square. Some slow, some really fast, and others with weight. Welcome The Babe!
Braving The Cold
Date: January 20
PAX: Gummy Bear (Q), Mr. Incredible, Crash, OCB, Peyton, Al Gore, Optimus, HHH, Fat Tire
- Jog around the parking lot twice
- Hill Sprint
- Hill Bear Crawl
- Hill Sprint
- Hill Bear Crawl
- Hill Sprint
- Hill Bear Crawl
- Hill Sprint
- 1.5 Mile Indian Run around Golf Lake. Each time Q calls “DROP”, do 5 merkins
At the AMP
- 5 Burpees + 5 Declines Merkins at each level (6 times total)
- 10 Low flutters IC
- 15 LBCs IC
- 20 Boxcutters IC
- 25 WW1s OYO
Well we braved -10/15 something windchill and it honestly wasn’t that bad. Looking forward to tomorrows Q getting out there again and hopefully we get as great of a turnout!
Awesome seeing 9 guys out there choosing the right pill today 🙂
Shout out to Mr. Incredible and Fat Tire I haven’t seen them in a while! Way to get out on a day like this. Coffee was great, Incredible and I actually hung out there til ~9. I will say this was not a creative Q in the slightest but it suited the needs of the day and those bear crawls at the beginning were no joke. After doing impossible half mile this weekend and nearly that the day before my shoulders were shot as were Optimus and OCBs I’m sure! 65 Meters uphill 3 times!
Keep on getting up and getting out there men! Have a great Monday
BACKBLAST: Saturday, 01/18/24 MacGyver @ The Hub
PAX: Mickey Tints, Heisenberg, The Mick, 2005, Dr. Freud, Peyton, Class Act, Fat Tire, Boo Boo, and HHH.
We had 5 ruckers. During the ruck we found a rabbit’s front leg along the MO7S curb and Heisenberg had a brown bear attack around 0640. Luckily he maide it back in time for the beatdown. The wind was cold so we utilized the areas of the Hub where there was non. Here is what we did.
Warm Up
SSH (20 IC)
MNC (15 IC)
Bean Pickers (10 IC)
IST (10 IC)
Hillbillies (10 IC)
8 Ct. Body Builders (10 IC)
Light Pole Lap
The Thang
Grab 5 sandbags and mosey to Dumpster Lot and then we decided to go to the south lot by the back hill.
90 sec timer (PAX performing exercise when the timer goes off has to do 5 burpees)
PAX that got stuck with the sand bags had to do penalty burpees as well.
Instead of standing around, all of the safe PAX did 1 burpee.
Time Bombs (No count. Next PAX goes when PAX before finishes rep)
– Burpees (Low Plank Start)
– Mike Tysons (High Plank)
– Sandbag Pull-Throughs (L+R) (High Plank)
– Shuffle Merkins (High Plank)
Lot Lap
Mosey through trail to Pull Up Bar Area
– Shuffle Squats-pass the SB CCW(Al Gore)
– No Surrenders-pass the sandbag CCW(Al Gore)
– Squat SB Pass (L+R) (Al Gore)
– Pull Up burpees (Al Gore)
Trail Lap
Mosey to dumpster lot
1-5 ascending BDE burpee suicide
Partner up (2 rounds)
PAX 1: run down and back
PAX 2: AMRAP Sandbag Burpees
Mosey to Flag
Plank for about a minute
Surprised to see this Q still open earlier in the week since they get snatched up pretty quickly most months. Also, surprised to see so many still open. If you haven’t Q’d in a while, please grab one. 1 a month is a great goal!
I thought this Q would be fun, but adding the sandbags and the compound exercises made it tough to really get enough reps in. I originally planned for 2 minutes, but I think that would have been good for only a few of the exercises like the pull ups. I wanted to do repeatos for both rounds, but I knew we wouldn’t have enough time. However, I did have to come up with the last couple of exercises on the fly which is not my forte. At least we were out of the wind for most of the workout so I will count this as a win.
9/10 pax made it to coffeeteria. Mickey Tints couldn’t make it, but he has a lot going on and family comes first. Some great book discussions at coffee and Fat Tire did make it back with his 2.0s to get some fellowship in.
If you have Monday off, try to post at Patmos or Col. Wheeler. Tuesday and Wednesday will be cold, but support the Q and show up. Layer up. They will keep you moving so you can stay warm. Can’t promise that, but that is my guess.
Thanks for letting me lead and for following along in my stupidity.
BACKBLAST 1/11/25 Keep it Frosty
14 PAX braved the cold and kept it frosty by throwing around some sand and putting our balls on some walls.
PAX: 2005, 4howa, Boo Boo, Class Act (QIC), Dr. Freud, Gummy Bear, Heisenberg, HHH, Lights Out, Peyton, Rusty, Scarecrow, The Mick, Trader Joe
SSH x 50 IC
Very slow Good Mornings x 5 IC
Imperial Storm Trooper x 10 IC
Light pole lap
Perfect squats x 10 ic
Perfect merkin x 10 ic
Military Press x 10 ic
Curl x 10 ic
1 arm row x 20 ic
Half the pax lunge walked to the drive and back while the other pax performed AMRAP sandbag cleans
Mosey to portico
WWII x 20 oyo
Freddie Mercury x 10 ic
Perfect merkin x 10 ic
Rotate around the corner for balls to the wall and hold for a minute
Returned to grab the sandbags and coupons
Returned to the corner of the building for wall sits
Timer was PAX performing 10 cleans
Carry bags and coupons down to the pullup bars
3 rounds of 5 pullups and AMRAP cleans
Lunges x 10 ic each leg
Sandbag Military presses x 50 with partners
Return to the church corner
Balls to the wall/wall sits with AMRAP clean timer
Balls to the wall/wall sits with merkin x10 timer
Merkins x 10ic
WWII x 20 oyo
Leg Lifts x 10 ic
Freddy Mercury x 10 ic
Flip over for a lower back stretch
The goal was to get in at least 100 sandbag cleans throughout the morning slamming around the 60s. PAX were able to modify by doing deadlifts. There wasn’t much cardio, but we did a lot of carrying of the bags and coupons, and rocking out the cleans was hard work. I thought it was a good mix up on a chilly January morning. Always a pleasure doing stupid stuff with y’all. See you in the gloom.
BACKBLAST 1/13/25 Chilly Miles
11 PAX posted for icy and chilly miles at The Colonel; 4 runners and 7 ruckers.