9 PAX came out for a promised core beatdown. After The Mick so gently pointed out my shortcomings delivering on my last Q promise for core and more, I had to take it up the challenge to redeem myself and deliver on a mostly core beatdown with minimal amounts of any extra fluff to give our core a rest during the beatdown. Here’s what I came up with:
Warm up:
- Light pole lap
- SSH x 20ic
- Imperial Hillbillies x 10ic
- Bean pickers x 10ic
- Windmills x 10ic
- Apollo Slowmo x 10ic
- Perfect squat x 10ic
- Perfect alt side lunge x 10ic
The Thang:
- Mosey to the Sportsmans Club
- Core Routine
- Mtn climbers x 10ic
- Alt plank kick through x 10ic
- Makhtar N’Diaye x 10ic
- Side plank crunch x 5ic
- Other side plank crunch x 5ic
- LBC x 10ic
- Reverse crunch x 10ic
- American hammer x 10ic
- Toe touches x 10ic
- Hollow hold ~20-30sec
- Mtn climbers x 10ic
- Cross climbers x 10ic
- Side to side leg overs x 10ic (on your 6 over an imaginary block)
- Rosalita whips x 10ic
- Flutter kicks x 10ic
- Outside arm climbers x 10ic
- Sloooow climbers x 5ic
- For the next exercises “imperial” indicates a knee to elbow crunch
- Imperial 1 leg step ups x 10ic
- Imperial other leg step ups x 10ic
- Imperial 1 leg side step ups x 10ic
- Imperial other leg side step ups x 10ic
- Repeato Core Routine
- Mosey back to flag for COT
So pretty happy with how this all turned out! In all seriousness thanks to The Mick for the subtle call out even before the comment on the preblast. I had fully intended on something like this as the beatdown so the bricks and blocks comment had no direct bearing on the plan….but not that I say it, I guess it was still kind of his fault/encouragement for the design. Things were a little quite this morning which I’m going to take as a sign of focus and determination to get through my beatdown. Tclaps to Atticus for keeping us on track w/ our count, otherwise who knows what kind rep counts I might have had us do. In all seriousness nice work to everyone this morning for pushing through a bit of a different beatdown then what we’ve been dealing out lately at the Hub.
Until next time,