Several PAX were already in full participation by 0630. We had our faithful 0500 Ruckers and even had Heisenberg on the bike. Lots of great action on the field as well.
Gummy Bear
Backblast 9/6/24: Brickyard 100
Date: 9/6/2024
Pax: Pacrat, The Mick, OCB (POTD), Gummy Bear, Roadshow, Muck (QIC)
AO: Troy
I was not inspired to do anything special for this Q so I decided to go something similar that we did at my last Q. Here’s what we did:
Yoga for 15 mins
Grab a pair of bricks. Mosey to the near corner of the lot.
The Thang
Curls x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Curls x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Curls x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Curls x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the beginning
Squat x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Squat x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Squat x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Squat x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the beginning
Overhead Press x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Overhead Press x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Overhead Press x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the corner
Overhead Press x 25 OYO
Shuffle to the beginning
Lot Lap. 10ct.
Curls x 25 OYO
Squat x 25 OYO
Overhead Press x 25 OYO
Repeato. Time.
Bricks Home. Mosey to Flag
Announcements & Prayer Requests & Word of Wisdom
Prayers for Pacrat’s father in law Dan. For his leg to heal.
Prayers for Coors’ rehab.
Prayers for The Mick’s friends and family. Many health concerns.
No words of wisdom today.
I gave POTD to OCB. He was out in front most of the time and made good use of the bricks.
Bust A Move @ THE DUMP
5 pax came out for a slight version of 100s. Here is what we did
Warm up:
arm circles
Bean pickers
Toy soldiers
Michael Phelps
Dancing rockettes
Cowboy run to the stairs
20 merkins CC
20 Squats CC
20 Carolina dry docks CC
20 lunges (10 each leg)
10 monkey humpers IC
Run to top of stairs
10 Alabama prom dates IC
back down to the base of the stairs
Repeato 5 times!
Mosey back to the flag
This workout looks simple on paper but it is alot of reps!
I had a bad brown bear attack so shout out Gummy for calling out 1.5 of the rounds while I was gone.
Cowboy run behind kato didnt work out because Kato took off in a sprint! More than 20 yards too!
Sometimes when you go heavy in weight lifting during the week you shock your body by doing a week of 100s. It is a good way to give your body somewhat of a break without sacrificing your workout. I used to have 100s week in lifting the week before your max out week. We would do 100 reps of bench, squat, and incline in AMRAP fashion. So I wanted to give us a taste of this method.
Most guys seemed to like it. I feel a bit sore from the dry docks.
Thanks for letting me lead
PAX: OCB, Crash, Gummy Bear, Kato, Boo-boo, Optimus (Q)
Warm up:
Bean Picker x 10 ic
Willie May Hayes x 08 ic
IST x 10 ic
Hill Billie x 10 ic
Toy Soldier x 10 ic
Perfect Squats x 10 ic
Perfect Merkins x 10 ic
The Thang:
We were notified of a situation and had to get to the dog park asap. Pax brought 2 blocks which we took turns carrying. Once we arriver we found a 60 lb. sandbag and another block. We circled up ring of fire style and did SSH while one pax did 3 sandbag burpees until everyone had a turn on the bag. Next we partnered up with a block at one end of the field.
Round I-One pax did murder bunnies about 30 yds. did 10 block thrusters and murder bunny back. The other pax did amrap American Hammers. Switch
Round II -One pax lunge walked about 30 yards there and back. The other pax did amrap vertical block windshield wipers. Switch
Round III – One pax bear crawled about 30 yards there and back. The other pax did amrap block merkins. Switch
Round IV- Ring of fire again except one pax farmer carried two blocks, one pax did sandbag burpees, and the rest did SSH.
Gather up equipment and head back.
There was no time for Mary.
Good turn out for a Thursday, I hope we can keep these numbers up. I came up with this mission idea and thought it would be a fun change from a standard beatdown. Expect the next one to go a little smoother, I had no idea how many pax would show up. I tried to make it hard, but not too crazy. Good job to all. OCB went above and beyond carrying the sandbag all the way back by himself. Thanks for letting me lead this mission.
Labor Day Bootcamp @ The Hub
Pre-Ruck: Peyton, Mickey Tints, Heisenberg, Class Act – later joined by HHH and Lights Out
Pre-Run: Fat Tire & Phedippides
Repeat after me: “The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve …. small workout groups for men …. for the invigoration of male community leadership”
Repeat after me: F3 5 Core Principles; Free of charge, Open to all men, Held Outdoors, Peer Lead, Ends with COT.
Warm Up: Hillbilly Jacks x 6 IC, Bean Pickers x 6 IC, Arm circles x 6 IC, 8 count body builder x 6 IC – Repeat 3 times
The Thang:
All OYO – all civilian count – In and Out and knee to elbow x 6 – Side Straddle Hops x 6 – Shuffle Woodchops x 6 – Scissor Jumps x 6 – Jump Squat x 6 – Repeat 3 times
8 count body builder x 6
All OYO all civilian count – In (squat) and Out (squat) and knee to elbow x 6 – Side Straddle Hops x 6 – Shuffle twice wood chops x 6 – Scissor Jumps x 6 – Jump Squat x 6 – Repeat 3 times
8 count body builder x 6
Coupon Work:
Grave Diggers (straddle coupon, bend lift to right ear, return coupon between your feet and repeat left side in cadence) x 6 – Repeat 3 times
8 count body builder x 6
UHauls (hold coupon with both hands at chest – press forward, return, press upward at 45 degree angle in cadence) x 6 – Repeat 3 times
8 count body builder x 6
Rambos (Hold coupon both hands at hips, start with curl and then military press and back down and repeat in cadence) x 6 – Repeat 3 times
8 count body builder x 6
Mosey to pull up bars – each Pax complete 6 leg raises and switch with your partner and do Scorpion Dry Docks x 6 – repeat 3 x / each Pax complete 6 pull-ups and switch with your partner and do Merkins x6 – repeat 3 times
Mosey to top of the hill – Form two lines and make a straight line while holding a plank – pax in back bearcrawl or lunge your way to the front
8 count body builder x 6
Donkey Kicks IC x 6 – Fire Hydrants IC x 6 – Plank Jacks IC x 6 – Reverse Pickle Pounders IC x 6 – American hammers IC x 6 – Freddie Mercury’s IC x 6 – Walk Outs with Merkin IC x 6 – LBC’s x 6 – Rosalina whips x 6
Lack of intentionality leads to a repetition of what is the easiest
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding
We had a few pax show up for rucking and a couple of pax show up for running. All the pax participated in the warm up and then we split with several pax breaking off to play ultimate and the rest navigating through the bootcamp. The plan was to keep us moving between exercises, keep the exercises to low reps, and get the HR up and then back down – good work by all the Pax today – hope you had a great labor day.