Traveled downrange to Orland Grasslands (F3 Southsid3) for some Sunday ruck miles and to connect with my cousin Beyonce.
4 miles logged with 30# ruck
F3 NorthWest Indiana
Traveled downrange to Orland Grasslands (F3 Southsid3) for some Sunday ruck miles and to connect with my cousin Beyonce.
4 miles logged with 30# ruck
4 pax want to use GB’s math and get more attendance!!!!
we drank coffee in cadence
6 PAX showed up for some running from Steamwhistle while 1 PAX held it down for the ruckers at the Trailhead.
Continuation of “75 Hard” and another down range ruck in Palos Hills, IL with F3 Southside.
This Sunday I connected with Santo, whom returned for his second ruck, and I brought another FNG out for his first taste of F3.
9 Pax rucked 3 miles of the preserves hilly trail and did one round of the nearly 300 steps of swallow cliff stairs.
After a several proposed names we dubbed the FNG, Svengoolie based on his Berrrrwynn roots.
Thanks again Southside for your continued support.
Great to see 13 PAX out there in the rain for my VQ. Always excited to welcome a Downrange PAX…thanks for showing, Shaggy!
PAX: HHH, Rusty, Scarecrow, Al Gore, Heisenberg, Shaggy (Downrange), Lights Out, Groening, Bozo, Dr. Freud, Trader Joe, Atticus, Pheidippides.
Parking Lot Lap, 13 x Bean pickers, 13 x Hillbillies, 13 x Imperial stormtroopers, 26 x SSH, 13 x apollo slomo
The Thang
Mosey over to the corner of the church. Wall sits. Starting at the end of the line, each PAX does 13 jump squats. At 8, next PAX starts. With 13 PAX, it made for a fairly long wall sit. REPEAT, only this time with 26 high knees (13 each knee).
Mosey back to the flag. As a group, 13 x merkins, 26 x, SSH.
Grab coupons and mosey to the portico.
4 light pole laps. Stop at halfway through each lap for burpees (26 total, divided however you want over 4 laps). Back at the portico, 13 curls at the end of each lap.
As a group: 13 x coupon rows, 13 x overhead press
Mosey to NO7S
Bear crawl to the first cone, run to the second, lunge to the third, run to the last. 26 x Mountain Climbers as a group. Reverse order back (run, lunge, run, bear crawl).26 x Mountain climbers as a group. One more time (bear crawl, run, lunge, run).
How many people have run a marathon or 1/2 marathon (7 total). 13 second plank for each person, so 1:31 of plank.
Line up, one at a time, 26 x mountain climbers and run back to the finish line by the flag. Cheer on PAX as they come in. Put Scarecrow and Bozo last so they got the loudest cheers.
3 minutes left: 13 perfect squats in cadence, plank to the finish.
While I had the overall view of the workout in place actually for weeks, there were some adjustments I had to make last minute. Significantly, I chose to cut out all hill running due to the rain. The wall sits were my replacement. I’d originally planned 3 circuits, with merkins between them, in order to shake out our legs. But with 13 out there, the wall sits ended up being pretty significant so a third circuit would have been pretty awful (and I was sick of getting dripped on from the roof). The goal of this one was to get our legs tired, keep moving, and keep our HR up, while mixing in some core and upper body work as well.
I looked back at the Backblast from May 16, and almost every person who was at my first post was here today…plus a few others! It’s always great to get someone in downrange, so thanks for stopping by, Shaggy. Now for the feelings (though not the “hold an Al Gore” feelings that went on late in the workout).
Guys, it’s been an absolute gift to have connected with this group. I don’t know how many here have had the experience, in their adult lives, of uprooting everything they know and relocating to a new place. I’m sure some deal with it better than others, but I’ll admit to struggling since moving here back in December. And still some days, I continue to struggle with my new normal. While I know I would have managed, I can’t imagine what the past 6 months would have been like if I hadn’t dropped in at the Hub that morning back in May. Having a group I can rely to be there a few mornings a week, and who have come to expect me on my Wednesday and Thursday schedule, has been uplifting. I briefly mentioned it this morning, but it really is exceptional how quickly you guys helped me go from the new guy to a welcome member of the group. It not only speaks to the power of F3, but of you all as truly genuine people.
HHH, Trader Joe, Dr. Freud, I feel like I miss seeing you guys when you come out, so thanks for being there to support me today.
Special thanks to Atticus for coming out…and for being the very first person to introduce yourself when I first posted, and walking me through my first beatdown.
Groening, thanks for not giving in to the temptation to sleep in, and helping talk me through my early cadence language struggles.
To my Wednesday run crew: Al Gore, Scarecrow, Groening, Bozo (and Heisenberg and Rusty who come to coffee after a ruck), those Wednesday runs and coffee after are always a relaxing highlight of my week.
I want to give a special shoutout to Lights Out…I know you’re not 100% and it’s noted and truly appreciated that you were there today. You continue to be an inspiration.
Gentlemen, it was an honor.
Until next time,