With a heatwave rolling in and the Grand Inquisitor Q’ing at The Dump, 8 pax worked on their 8-packs somehow some way and recovered from a Dr. Freud Tuesday beatdown with some Wednesday run or ruck mileage to keep the legs firing. Temps were in the mid-20s and rising to begin the morning.
Five runners, including an uncharacteristically late one joining the run in progress, ventured up to 5.3 miles, while three ruckers were all a few minutes late for 5:30 but atoned by totaling more than 12 miles as a group with distances of 2.2, 4.02 and 6.05 miles because teamwork is a phenomenal human achievement. Shout out to Saluki for touching Merrillville and having the misfortune of rucking with me after a PRE-ruck iced coffee on my new 25-minute commute. Miss a little; miss a lot.