9 pax came out and wanted to see what had me so irritated the last few days. Here is how it went
Warm up:
Dancing rockettes
arm circles
moroccan night clubs
Bean pickers
Seal claps
Skol claps
Start at first corner
15 squats CC
move to 2nd corner
15 squats CC
15 merkins CC
move to third corner
15 squats CC
15 merkins CC
15 burpees OYO
move to 4th corner
15 squats CC
15 merkins CC
15 burpees OYO
15 mike tysons OYO
move back to the start
15 squats CC
15 merkins CC
15 burpees OYO
15 mike tysons OYO
15 carolina dry docks CC
Reverse out to each square peeling off a workout
back to start
Grab coupons
Ring of fire
5 jump squats while other pax hold al gore
ring of fire
5 curls while other pax hold high plank
ring of fire
5 military press while pax hold coupons over head
Repeato each ring of fire 2 times through
rockey balboas
good mornings
Ive been dealing with a leak at my rental and its finally situated. Peyton asked me or roadshow to grab the Q so I took it and figured to make the workout tough/irritating. The concept was to build up the workouts and then to strip it down. Sort of like me having to open up the wall and trim to find the leak. I had way more planned but getting through the first round took way more time than expected. I had the first round which we did be body weight stuff, then plyometric stuff then coupons. So I sort of used the find of fires to hit the plyo and coupons. Coors said I thought no coupons when its this cold I cant feel my fingers. Well thank HHH and Gummy bear because they dont like rules of thumb that I learned when i first started Qing and called me a b!tch.
Everyone worked hard. Couple guys told me this was a tough workout so Im thankful for that. Nice to see Mister Brown. Didnt really get a chance to chat or have any mumble chatter because I was calling the cadences.
Thank you for letting me lead.