6 PAX came out to get some miles and start the lobbying process for a national “Get some miles” day. 4 PAX ran and 2 PAX rucked the trail.
BACKBLAST 8/28/24 Humid Miles
10 PAX became sweaty this morning. It was humid (and rainy at times). 5 of each: runners and Ruckers. Sadly one PAX fighting blisters.
BACKBLAST 8/23/24 Friday Miles
10 PAX posted for miles this morning in Crown Point. There were 5 of each, runners and ruckers.
BACKBLAST 8/21/24 Wednesday Morning Miles
8 PAX posted for brisk miles this morning in Crown Point. There were 6 runners and 2 ruckers.
BACKBLAST 8/16/24 Not Getting Fined Miles
10 PAX won’t get fined. 5 PAX ran while 5 rucked in Crown Point.