In continuance of the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation series with me, I held true to my beatdown promise to get this mentally into your brains. Thanks for the great workout and coffee before heading out to The City of Angels. The following backblast was to the best of my 42 year old mental recall. It may be off
3Pax in attendance: Coors, Kato, and Pacrat
Warmups (Base of Hill):
30 SSH
30 Full Squats
31 Little Arm Circles Forward
4 Pax now in attendance: Coors, Hitchcock, Kato, and Pacrat
30 Big Arm Circles Backward
Bear Crawl up the Hill
The Thang:
30 Block Curls: 2 Shoulder Presses
30 Shoulder Presses: 2 Curls
Took the blocks down with us to the bottom of the Hill at Base Camp and left them to come back later to.
Here was my chance to remind you all that when you witness a full arrest/person going down, you should run and get help and/or an AED if available. I instructed PAX to turn away from me, and when I told them to turn around based on my positioning they were to do the following. If I was seen already laying down, then you will do the following exercises right by me. If you saw me fall to the ground when you turned around, then run to the Stop sign off Highway Avenue and do the following exercises. It is important to know what you must immediately do based on what you saw or didn’t see. If you didn’t see it, then you MUST pump on the chest at 30:2 compression ratio. No ifs ands or butts. The heart can NOT have pooled clotted blood. You must start CPR right away to circulate oxygen that is still in the bloodstream to the brain. 1…..2……3…….turn around
Kato witnessed going from standing position to lying position. Pax ran to the Stop Sign to do the following:
30 Merkins: 2 Burpees
Run back to base camp
30 Burpees: 2 Merkins
Had PAX again turn around again. Counted 1…..2…….3……..turn around
Kato already lying on the ground. Pax dropped and did the following:
30 Scorpion Dry Docks (one side leg up): 2 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
Ran to the stop sign
30 Scorpion Dry Docks (other leg up): 2 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
Ran back to base camp
15 Mountain Climbers (4 count): 2 Scorpion Dry Docks (one leg up)
Ran back to base camp
15 Mountain Climbers (4 count): 2 Scorpion Dry Docks (other leg up)
Back to Block work.
30 Overhead block presses: 2 Upright block rows
15 single arm block rows (2 count): 2 Overhead block presses
15 single arm block rows (2 count, other arm): 2 Overhead block presses
Started Mary work early:
Alphabet planks on our sixes. We first did Capital letters
Followed by One arm Planks with the other arm extended drawing Capital Letters through the alphabet.
Switch one arm planks and did the same alphabet draw in all Caps with the other arm extended.
Back to Block work.
30 curls: 2 one arm curls each arm
Back to Mary
Alphabet planks on our sixes. We now did lower case letters
Followed by One arm Planks with the other arm extended drawing lower case alphabet letters.
Switch one arm planks and did the same alphabet draw in lower case with the other arm extended.
Walked our blocks back up Nob Hill.
Here was something I think only this small Q today can appreciate. During COT and prayer, Pacrat kept breathing really hard out of his mouth for exhalation right toward my face. I had to time my inspiration breaths opposite of his so that I wasn’t breathing in his CO2.
Truth Nuggets of the day:
I have to be brutally honest all. There were a few parts where I couldn’t finish or didn’t want to hold the group up I should say. I know I could have squeezed out the remainders but stopped prematurely to keep the workout Q on pace for our 45 minute workout. I still counted out loud for all to hear if counts were appropriate but right now I’m trying to make sure that the workouts are good and fill the time being. I will continue to build endurance with you all. I plan on using the park so I can work on my weakness of pullups so keep that in mind going into December and January. I will also continue to build my core because this will be the first snowboarding season that I have been working out and building core strength so I’m super psyched about how better or less tired I will be in the mountains of Colorado.
Hitchcock did what I am now describing as “Dry Merlot” I believe right after the burpees and before first cinder block work. This happened after Thanksgiving too with Muck and Pacrats cousin from Wisconsin. I don’t want to be known for these in my workouts but I won’t be making them any easier either as I have some endurance goals of my own going into next spring of 2019.
I want to extend a vacation offer to anyone else in this group who may snowboard or may want to learn out in Colorado. I will be going out there for an average of 4 days in the month of January, February, and March. Maybe even April if the snow Gods are shining down on us this winter. If you want to learn and don’t mind falling down 100-200 times, I think I’m a good teacher.
Thanks again for the Q opportunity. I will look at the remaining schedule to get back on track as I’m in the Los Angeles Law Library now finishing up this backblast. See you all next Friday.
Signing off,