BACKBLAST 12–27–2024 – The Mick’s Friday Beatdown at Troy with Sandbags
F3 Mission – Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership
F3 (5) Pillars – (1) Free of Charge, (2) Open to all Men, (3) Held outdoors, (4) Peer led in a rotating fashion, (5) Ends with a Circle of Trust (COT)
“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him”
Weather – 50deg F Overcast, mild, dewy and wet
Pax – (11) The Mick (QIC), Pac Rat, Muck, Gummy Bear, OCB, Crash, Optimus, Coors, Roadshow, Beaker, and down range Pax Turtle Dove
10 Slllloooooowww Abe Vigoda
10 Slllloooooowww Bean Picker
10 Toy Soldier
10 IST
10 Hillbillie
Warm-up Lap
First Thang – Killer B’s
• Standard Killer B – Block Complex, Broad Jump (or Bunny Hop), Burpees, Bonnie Blair, Big Boy Sit-ups, Bear Crawl (three sets)
• We did a modified version – Bunny hopped or broad jump, Pax choice based on leg injuries – Every 3rd stipe was an exercise, and we Bear Crawled the last 3 stripes and then moseyed back to the star instead of bear crawling home which is also done in a standard Killer B. We also did IST instead of Big Boy sit-ups to stay dry
• 10 Block Complex at starting line (the curb) with 40 or 60# Sandbag
• Bunny Hop to the third parking stripe
• 10 Burpees
• Bunny Hop to the sixth parking stripe
• 10 Bonnie Blairs (Jumping lunges)
• Bunny Hop to the ninth parking stripe
• 10 IST’s (we did IST’s (standing crunch) instead of sit-ups to stay off the wet parking lot)
• Mosey back to the start
Repeatto two times (total of 3 sets)
Parking lot Lap
• Partnered up. Each pair had a sandbag (40 or 60#)
• PAX 1 did 5 sandbag snatches (ground to chest in 1 move)
• PAX 2 ran to end of lot and back
• 3 sets each
Parking lot lap
Third Thang – Suicide
• Suicide on to even parking stripes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
• Do the same number of merkins as the stripe 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Parking Lot Lap
Forth Thang – Ring of Fire
• We broke into a group of 5 and a group of 6
• Sandbag in the middle of the group
• One Pax did 5 power cleans to military press with the Sandbag
• Everyone else did AMRAP in-n’-out squats
• 2-piece lap when done
• Back in our groups – repeat only:
• One Pax did 5 Power clean to a squat with Sandbag
• Everyone else held Al Gore
Fifth Thang – Suicide
• Suicide on to even parking stripes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
• Do the same number of squats as the stripe 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
• Parking Lot Lap
Mary – No time
• No time for Mary, is a good time (or good timing)
Lots of mumble chatter with Pac Rat and Turtle Dove. Not sure what was discuss but it seemed to involve Christmas and holiday travel. Maybe even lake houses, I am not sure. There was mumble chatter on my side of the lot, but I really do not recall what was said. In the end, Coors score this as a “very solid beatdown”, and I take that as huge compliment. I agree with Coors … solid Beatdown and solid effort by all.
I ask for sandbags, and everyone brought them. I appreciated that. Turtle Dove was our Pax of the day, but I guess he was Pax of the day on Thursday also. Maybe not as big of an honor today. I should have named Muck a honorary Pax of the day as he was next to me a lot and he was working very hard.
Great work everyone. Hope everyone stayed warm and dry and worked off a little of that holiday feast.
2005 who went in the hospital this morning. For continued healing for The Mick’s DIL and for Mickey Tints MIL recovering from a possible stroke, for Lights Out Dad and Roadshow’s Mom both recovering from problems. For holiday travel and safe travels home.
Well done all, my honor to Q,
The Mick
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