BACKBLAST 11–29–2024 – The Mick’s Oh You Did It Now Beatdown at Troy
F3 Mission – Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership
F3 (5) Pillars – (1) Free of Charge, (2) Open to all Men, (3) Held outdoors, (4) Peer led in a rotating fashion, (5) Ends with a Circle of Trust (COT)
“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him”
Weather – 26 deg F Overcast, windy and cold
Pax – (4) The Mick (QIC), Pac Rat, Muck, Gummy Beat
Warm-up Lap
10 Slllloooooowww Abe Vigoda
10 Slllloooooowww Bean Picker
10 Arm Circle Complex (Michael Phelps, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap)
10 Toy Soldier
10 IST
10 Hillbillie
First Thang – Mr. Incredible’ s Merkin Torture
• Line up at a parking lot stripes. Brear crawl to first stripe, one merkin, bear crawl back. Bear crawl to second stripe, 2 Merkins, bear crawl to back. Bear crawl to third stripe 3 merkins bear crawl back. That’s it. Simple. Try it if you dare. No stopping in-between
• Mossie to Death Row
Second Thang – Step-up / Pinky Pie Combo for 4 at Death Row
• 10 to 1 Step-up / Pinky Pie Combo – Sep-ups followed by inclined merkin followed by Dips with immediate repeatto for one number less
• Go to Post Office parking lot (angle parking )
• Mr Incredible’ s Torture Part II
• Line up at a parking lot stripes. Side crawl to the right to first stripe, one merkin, side crawl back. Side crawl to second stripe, 2 Merkins, side crawl to back. Side crawl to third stripe 3 merkins side crawl back. That’s it. Simple. Try it if you dare. No stopping in-between
• Wall Sit – 5 squat jumps back and forth down the line
• Mr Incredible’ s Torture Part III
• Side crawl left … Nah… we didn’t do it. I was not feeling tough enough this morning for the third round. Round 2 got my shoulders
• Mossie back to the main parking lot
Third Thang – Running the Lines
• Line up at one end of the parking lot
• Run to the 1/3 line – 10 Squats.
• Run to the 2/3’s line – 10 WWII’s
• Run to the end – 10 Low Flutters
• Run back to the start repeat for 3 sets total
Forth Thang – Lt Dan
• Lt Dan – 10 to 1
Mary (yes Mary. I rarely do…)
• Motivator 7-1
We were a small but hearty group of Borkstrom’s or Borkstrom want-a-be’s. At 530 it was Muck and I, but soon we were joined by Pac Rat and Gummy Bear. I felt like one of the family except I did not get invited to Michigan for the weekend. LOL.
We agreed Mr. Incredible is the king of low rep pain. Magic. We are not sure how he does it, but he always comes up with a move that sounds easy when described but is grueling to do. His Bear Crawl Merkincideis no exception (and maybe one of his most deceiving).
When we got back to the main lot and prepared to run lines, we discovered the Saint John Stabber had struck in the Troy Lot. Of course, Pac Rat found the evidence. Sleuth that he is. The mumble chatter quickly switched noticing the Optimus was missing. Hmmm. Then Pac Rat said there would be a new Pax next Thanksgiving. He said the Pax would be called Troy. And Gummy Bear said he would be borndoing the signature move of a burpee. I’m thinking his middle name would be Pac Rat. His full name: Troy Pac Rat Stabber.
Great work everyone. Hope everyone stayed warm and worked off a little of that holiday feast.
For friends of Mick suffering heart issues. For a friend of Pac Rat. For Coors. And for Ginger Billie, his wife and their newborn daughter.
The Mick
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