F3 North Wind started as a Nomad region in 2014 and will be celebrating our own 10 year anniversary as a F3 region in July of 2024. We are the first, longest running midwest region starting from a PAX moving to northwest IN from the Charlotte area. We currently operate boot camp style, running and ruck-based workouts as well as some CSAUP activities from locations in Crown Point, St. John, Highland, and Munster. We stick fairly closely to the locations listed below but on occasion relocate beatdown activities to alternate locations, particularly on holidays or special occasions. If you joining us down range, please contact us via email or hit us up on Twitter and we’ll make sure you get to the correct location.
Main Content
10202 Broadway, Crown Point, IN 46307
-Tuesday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
-Thursday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
-Saturday Bootcamp: 7:00-8:00am
Check the schedule for the most up to date activity and locations.
8640, Lake Hills Drive, St. John, Indiana, 46373
-Monday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
Check the schedule for the most up to date activity and locations.
Parking lot west of Jewett Avenue & Kennedy Avenue, Highland, IN 46375
-Tuesday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
-Thurs Run/Ruck: 5:30-6:15am
-Friday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
North Centennial Drive, Munster, IN 46321
Centennial Park
-Wednesday Bootcamp: 5:30 – 6:15am
West 109th Avenue, Crown Point, IN 46373
Colonel John Wheeler Middle School
-Monday Run: 5:30-6:15am
8554 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN
Wicker Memorial Park Shelter 1
-Thursday Bootcamp: 5:30-6:15am
-Saturday Bootcamp: 7:00-8:00am
300 West Summit Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
Erie Lackawanna Trailhead
-Wednesday Ruck: 5:30-6:15am
-Friday Ruck: 5:30-6:15am
924 South Court Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
Steamwhistle Coffee
-Wednesday Run: 5:30-6:15am
-Friday Run: 5:30-6:15am
The Hub
Bethel Church
10202 Broadway, Crown Point, IN
- Tues- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am - Thurs- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am - Sat- Bootcamp
7:00am – 8:00am
Lake Hills Park
8640 Lake Hills Dr.
St. John, IN
- Mon- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am
Downtown Highland
Parking lot west of Kennedy Ave & Jewett Ave. Highland, IN
- Tues- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am - Thurs- Run/Ruck
5:30am – 6:15am - Fri- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am
The Dump
Centennial Park
1005 Centennial Dr.
Munster, IN
- Wed- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am
Wicker Park
8554 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322
Shelter 1
- Thus- Bootcamp
5:30am – 6:15am - Sat- Bootcamp
7:00a – 8:00a
The Colonel
Colonel Wheeler Middle School Track
Crown Point, IN
- Mon- Run / Track work
5:30am – 6:15am
Steamwhistle Coffee
924 S Court St.
Crown Point, IN 46307
- Wed- Run
5:30am – 6:15am - Fri- Run
5:30am – 6:15am
The Trail
Erie Lackawanna Trail
300 W Summit St.
Crown Point, IN 46307
- Wed- Ruck and Cycling(seasonal)
5:30am – 6:15am - Fri- Ruck and Cycling(seasonal)
5:30am – 6:15am
Recent Backblasts
Nail, meet hammer @ Troy
Brought to you by: Crash
9 pax came out and wanted to see what had me so irritated the last few days. Here is how it went Warm up: SSH Dancing rockettes arm circles moroccan night clubs Windmills Bean pickers Seal claps Skol claps SSH Thang: Start at first corner 15 squats CC move to 2nd corner 15 squats CC […]
BACKBLAST: Saturday, 1/25/25 Sharknado @ CP Square
Brought to you by: HHH
16 PAX moved around the square. Some slow, some really fast, and others with weight. Welcome The Babe!
BACKBLAST 1/24/25 Good Looking PAX Miles
Brought to you by: Atticus
10 good looking PAX posted for miles today. We all deserve (need) a compliment once in a while. We are all good guys, trying our best. 5 runners and 5 Ruckers pushed our chests out and strutted this morning.
Fire Drill @ Thicker Park
Brought to you by: Crash
Weather wasnt so bad. 5 pax came out to see what I had cooked up for us at Wicker. Here is what we did. Warm up: SSH Bean Pickers Windmill Toy soilder Michael phelps IST Hill billy skol claps Seal claps SSH Thang: Speed training! Pogo hop to utility box 5 burpees walking marches back […]
A Little Added Pulse
Brought to you by: Al Gore
WARMUP THE THANG Added pulse – exercises are performed in 8ct fashion including 2 full range reps followed by 2 short range (pulsing) reps with a change in cadence. MARY MOLESKIN Q: How do you make 5 Merkins difficult? A: Make it an 8 count exercise and change the cadence. 🥺 At least the air […]